
Social Services

With impress.ai, a Southeast Asian social service organization digitized candidate screening, achieving a 54% reduction in candidate drop-off


reduction in candidate drop-off


saved as cost-of-shortlisting for one program

  • Social Services


  • 500


  • SEA


The Background

The client, a prominent body in the social services sector, plays a crucial role as an umbrella body for other agencies in the region. With member organizations relying on the client to fill their open positions, the need for a high-quality candidate pipeline has never been greater. Recognizing this critical demand, the client remained steadfast in its commitment to identifying and nurturing top talent to ensure that the social service sector in the region continues to thrive.    

The Challenge

Finding candidates with the right skill sets, particularly soft skills and personality traits, is crucial in the social services industry. To ensure they hire the best candidates, the client needs to screen and shortlist top-quality candidates that meet the requirements in the industry quickly and without any bias. 

However, when the client decided to digitize its candidate screening process to scale, it faced significant challenges. They approached multiple vendors, but none could commit to a robust, effective, and swift screening tool that would screen and shortlist candidates quickly with minimum recruiter interaction without compromising on the quality of candidates shortlisted and hired. 

Armed with a cutting-edge Recruitment Automation Platform capable of administering complex screening workflows, impress.ai was confident in its ability to elevate the client’s candidate screening and shortlisting process to unprecedented heights while maintaining accuracy and effectiveness.  

The Solution

impress.ai’s recruitment automation platform digitized the candidate screening and shortlisting process for the client. Beginning with resume parsing, the platform transformed resumes into structured data, tailored to align with the specific preferences. This was followed by an innovative, two-tiered screening process. Candidates underwent an interactive pre-screening phase based on predetermined criteria. Those who successfully navigated this stage were ushered into a more thorough deep-screening process. At this juncture, the platform solicited responses to critical job-specific questions, evaluating candidates to their competencies and skills, and subsequently shortlisting the most suited individuals.

impress.ai incorporated a conversational AI-powered virtual assistant to address candidate queries promptly and accurately, providing real-time assistance. To empower client recruiters with actionable insights, impress.ai also provisioned a comprehensive candidate analytics dashboard. This tool presented a 360-degree view of every candidate, their screening and shortlisting status, among other pertinent metrics. This data-driven approach enabled client recruiters to make informed and strategic hiring decisions, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their recruitment process.

The Results

  • 100% digitization of candidate screening and shortlisting
  • $75K saved as cost-of-shortlisting for one program
  • 189 recruiter days saved for time-to-shortlist for one program
  • 54% reduction in candidate drop-off
  • 95.7% Candidate CSAT score

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