
Public Sector

Singaporean Government Agency saves time and money with impress.ai


Cost Savings

177 days

Time saved

  • Public Sector


  • 1300+


  • Singapore


“With impress.ai, our team quickly and efficiently screens and reviews more than 3,000 applications – something that wouldn’t be possible manually. It not only saves us time and money, but it also ensures we identify the best candidates for our Management Associate Program.”

Group General Manager

Singaporean Government Agency

  • Challenge

    With 3,000+ Management Associate Program applications, manually reviewing and screening candidates quickly proved inefficient and ineffective.

  • Results

    With impress.ai, the Singaporean Government Agency automated the process, saving an incredible SGD$62,090 and 177.4 days of staff productivity.

  • Business Benefits

    By automating repetitive tasks, the agency made significant time and cost savings and was able to identify the best candidates for the program. In addition, it could deploy resources elsewhere to focus on high- value strategic work that drives the business further.

  • The Background

    The Singaporean Government Agency is proud of its highly coveted Management Associate Program, and for good reason. Throughout a one-year structured program, it nurtures the best young talent, shaping tomorrow’s global leaders to act as catalysts for Singapore’s growth.

    However, with more than 3,000 applications for each intake, reviewing and screening candidates manually became a significant challenge. This highly repetitive task wasn’t just time-consuming and tiring; it was inefficient. It cost the organisation time and money and used up resources that could drive more value elsewhere.


    The Solution

    The agency partnered with impress.ai to find a better way – one that would both free up resources and identify the best candidates efficiently.
    And impress.ai delivered. Now, an enhanced workflow automates its branding, pre-screening, written assessments and video interviews. Custom resume parsing takes the candidate’s PDF resume and converts it to structured data within the system, so the agency’s

    team has candidate information at their fingertips, without having to review or even open attachments. The pre-screening process checks whether an applicant meets the criteria for the role including work experience requirements. If an applicant meets this criteria, they move on to the written assessment. If they don’t, they are filtered through to a hiring page to explore other opportunities with the agency.

    Once pre-screened applicants upload their written component, a custom-designed chatbot, Eva, reviews and scores it, directing qualified applicants to the video interview stage. Eva also has an exhaustive FAQ component, meaning the agency’s team no longer wastes time answering commonly-asked questions multiple times. It provides applicants with an immediate and accurate response, improving their experience too. If the occasional question proves too complex for Eva, it’s escalated to the team via a real-time dashboard, so they are always informed.

    With this end-to-end process, the agency’s team has transformed a resource-intensive manual process into an intelligent, automated and seamless one. The structured format means they can see all the information in one place, staying informed on recruitment progression while being able to deploy resources elsewhere.


    The Results

    This automated workflow is a game-changer for the Singaporean Government Agency. At each stage, it ensures only qualified candidates progress significantly reducing workload, improving the candidate experience and identifying the best talent for the program.

    55 top applicants identified and hired from 3,194 applications

    2,222 queries handled by Eva with an 86.5 percent satisfaction rating

    177.4 days of employee time saved

    Approximately SGD$62,090 in cost savings

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