

How RediMinds took 4x less time-to-hire with impress.ai


Faster time-to-hire


CSAT Score

  • Technology


  • 15+


  • North America


The Background 

RediMinds offers digital transformation solutions to clients worldwide. As a growing organization, RediMinds is always on the lookout for top tech talent to join their teams in the US and India.

Before impress.ai, RediMinds relied on the traditional hiring process and struggled to keep up with their recruitment process as they had a high volume of applications for various positions. The process involved manual screening, assessing, evaluating, and shortlisting, resulting in a high rate of human errors and bias. This was time-consuming for the recruiters and led to the selection of less qualified candidates and increased recruitment costs.

The Solution

impress.ai digitized the existing recruitment process with its Recruitment Automation Platform. The platform automated various recruitment stages, including candidate invitation, pre-screening, deep screening, assessment, evaluation, and interview scheduling.

The first step in the process was to integrate RediMinds’ database with the impress.ai platform. Once integrated, candidates were invited to the recruitment platform for pre-screening based on the job requirements and descriptions. Candidates who passed the pre-screening stage moved on to the next level, the deep screening phase.

In the deep screening phase, candidates were assessed and evaluated with open-ended questions to assess their suitability and capability to perform the job. The platform captured and helped analyze candidate responses, assigning assessment scores to rank candidates according to their performance. This approach not only saved time but also ensured that recruiters identified high-quality candidates more consistently.

Candidates with high-ranking scores were shortlisted and scheduled for interviews with the CEO using impress.ai’s interview scheduling feature. This process eliminated the need for recruiters to reach out to candidates individually and reduced the time required to schedule interviews. The CEO was able to focus on interviewing candidates who had already been pre-screened, evaluated, and ranked.

impress.ai’s candidate screening and evaluation capabilities have significantly improved our recruitment process, leading to higher-quality hiring and a more productive workforce.

Madhu Reddiboina, Founder & CEO, RediMinds

The Results

With impress.ai, RediMinds streamlined their hiring process, reduced costs, and reduced the time-to-hire. By digitizing the recruitment process, RediMinds was able to:

  1. Achieved 4x faster time-to-hire
  2. Ensured superior candidate experience with a rating of 4.73/5
  3. Improved objectivity and fairness by eliminating unconscious bias
  4. Increased the quality of hires through deep screening
  5. Enhanced employer branding by delivering messaging aligned to company values and culture throughout the recruitment cycle

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