
Banking and Finance

Asia’s first virtual recruiter enhances productivity and efficiency for DBS Bank


Hours saved monthly


Hires from a pool of 10,000

  • Banking and Finance


  • 24000+


  • Asia


“Jobs Intelligence Maestro (JIM) has not only reimagined the candidate’s journey and enhanced the recruitment process at DBS but has also disrupted the recruitment landscape in Asia. Through the power of artificial intelligence, it has also increased reliability in the hiring process by more accurately matching the candidate’s profiles to the requirements of the role, as well as their fit with the bank and the values we stand for.”

Susan Cheong

MD and Group Head of Talent Acquisition,

Group Human Resources, DBS Bank

  • Challenge

    DBS Bank’s talent acquisition processes were out of sync with its digital and competitive aspirations. The team recognised their need to harness technology to increase accuracy and find the best candidates in a 10,000 strong pool.

  • Results

    Powered by impress.ai, DBS Bank’s virtual recruiter reduced time to hire by 75%, saved up to 40 staff hours each month, and delivered a winning candidate experience, resulting in 880+ successful hires across Asia.

  • Business Benefits

    By adopting an AI-powered workflow, DBS Bank could screen large candidate pools efficiently, giving the team time back to focus on higher-value activities, reducing candidate dropout and increasing the quality of hires.

  • The Background

    DBS Bank wanted to transform their legacy, non-digital recruitment process to increase front-of-funnel gains while giving their busy internal recruitment team time back to focus on the higher-value qualification stages. In addition, the bank wanted to deliver an innovative candidate experience that was simple, interactive and available 24/7 to attract the best candidates across Asia.


    The Solution

    DBS Bank partnered with impress.ai to deploy Asia’s first virtual recruiter, Jobs Intelligence Maestro (JIM). This innovative and intelligent platform actively reviews resumes, asks and evaluates responses to pre-screening questions, and performs and scores online assessments to identify and progress a high-potential shortlist for DBS Bank’s sought- after Wealth Planning roles.

    In addition, JIM also acts as a concierge, guiding candidates through the application and assessment process across four platforms. It independently responds to candidate FAQs with a 97% success rate meaning candidates can get real- time answers 24/7. The platform reimagines the candidate experience; simple, seamless and always-on, saving significant staff hours, reducing candidate dropout and increasing candidate satisfaction, achieving an average score of 4.7/5.

    By integrating with various assessment tools, including Predictive Index, Professional Learning Indicator, Sonru, and Hacker Trail, JIM can meet the needs of multiple markets. It is also available in several languages; English, Bahasa Indonesia, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese; helping DBS Bank reach more candidates across Asia.

    Following a successful pilot program in May 2018, JIM now delivers results for DBS Bank across Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, and India. It has also taken on the hiring process for the bank’s high-volume recruitment programs, including Wealth Planning Manager, Graduate Associate and SGUnited.


    The Results

    This AI-powered virtual recruiter revolutionises DBS Bank’s talent acquisition, delivering on almost every metric imaginable, including:

    Screening over 10,000 candidates to identify 880+ successful hires across Asia

    Saving up to 40 hours of productivity per month, allowing the team to focus on the higher- value qualification stages

    Reducing time to hire by 75%

    Decreasing candidate attrition from 15% to just 3% through a reimagined candidate journey that is simple, interactive and effective

    Answering 97% of candidate questions without intervention and achieving an average candidate score of 4.7/5


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