
Recruitment Process Outsourcing

A global recruitment company advanced candidate experience and cut hiring costs using impress.ai


recruiter-days saved


ROI achieved

  • RPO


  • 1200+


  • Global


The background:

The client, a distinguished provider of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and Managed Service Provider (MSP) solutions, possesses a substantial pool of candidates. With an expansive global reach spanning 29 countries, they operate in close collaboration with organizations to manage a range of recruitment needs, from global-scale recruitments to single-site operations with lesser recruitment volumes. The client has established a robust presence in over 60 countries, adeptly managing a recruitment budget exceeding £2 billion and facilitating the hiring of tens of thousands of employees annually.

The Challenge:

As an expert in Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), the client was committed to the dual objectives of significantly reducing hiring expenses while enriching the candidate experience. A key part of their strategy also included augmenting the productivity of their client’s recruitment team. However, the major challenge they faced was to achieve these ambitious goals without imposing significant financial burdens, making it a complex task to navigate.  

The Solution:

The client leveraged impress.ai’s recruitment automation platform into their recruitment process, thereby streamlining and accelerating their hiring process. The platform provided a Conversational AI-powered virtual assistant that interacted with candidates addressing their queries in real-time. The intelligent virtual assistant effectively managed candidate queries in real time, guided applicants through the hiring process, and scheduled interviews automatically. impress.ai’s platform analyzed, scored, and ranked the candidate responses as part of the screening process, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates were shortlisted.

impress.ai’s recruitment automation platform not only reduced the time and effort required for candidate screening and shortlisting but also maintained superior candidate experience throughout the process. Moreover, it provided recruiters with the opportunity to delegate their time to more strategic activities, such as sourcing qualified candidates and conducting the final face-to-face interviews. This ensured the recruitment process remained human-centric at critical junctures, resulting in a seamless and efficient process that improved recruiter productivity and significantly enhanced the candidate experience. 


  • 3X ROI achieved on dollars spent 
  • 80.7 recruiter-days saved in candidate screening 
  • 94% of applications reviewed within 72 hours 
  • 90% of candidate queries answered with accuracy 
  • 95.4% CSAT (Candidate Satisfaction Score) scored

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