
Automated Proctoring

Experience best-in-class online remote proctoring

Verify candidate authenticity with confidence

Our Automated Proctoring feature prioritizes candidate authenticity through a seamless ID verification process. Secure candidate identification is the foundation of a trustworthy remote examination experience, ensuring confidence in your hiring decisions. With impress.ai, you can protect the integrity of your assessments and maintain high standards for your organization’s talent pool.

Expedite ID checks through smart automation

Leverage the power of automation to expedite the ID check process. impress.ai’s Automated Proctoring feature simplifies verification, allowing you to focus on the evaluation of candidate performance without worrying about manual ID validation. By streamlining the verification process, you can save time and resources while maintaining the highest levels of security and accuracy.

Comprehensive video recording for complete coverage

Don’t miss a beat with impress.ai’s comprehensive video recording capabilities. Our Automated Proctoring feature captures the entire process, providing valuable insights and documentation for accurate candidate evaluation. This level of detail allows you to review candidate performance thoroughly, ensuring that you make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of each candidate’s abilities.

In-depth insights with detailed reports

Stay informed with detailed time-stamped reports, complete with an evaluation score and conclusion. impress.ai’s Automated Proctoring feature offers thorough documentation to facilitate transparent, data-driven decision-making throughout the hiring process. These insights empower you to make confident choices, backed by a comprehensive understanding of each candidate’s performance and credibility.

Seamless examination experiences on any device

Access impress.ai’s Automated Proctoring feature on any device, ensuring a smooth examination experience for both candidates and recruiters. Our platform adapts to your needs, providing versatility and convenience during the hiring process. With device flexibility, you can accommodate a diverse range of candidates, making your recruitment process more inclusive and accessible.

All-inclusive video and audio stream processing

Rely on impress.ai’s full-cycle video and audio stream processing for a complete proctoring solution. From recording and AI analysis to secure storage, our Automated Proctoring feature guarantees a robust and reliable examination experience. This all-encompassing approach to proctoring ensures that you have the tools and insights necessary to make the best possible hiring decisions.